Hi, I’m Nicholas Barasa 👋 — Data Scientist, Tech Enthusiast, and your friendly Worker Bee at BeeBytez 🐝

Welcome to BeeBytez!

I’m Nicholas Barasa, your friendly worker bee 🐝 buzzing around the world of data science and tech. I’m passionate about exploring how data can solve real-world problems, and here at BeeBytez, I’m excited to share everything I’m learning along the way—from data science tips to tech insights and lessons from the projects I’ve worked on.

This space is all about collaboration and community—where we can dive into the exciting possibilities of tech together. Whether you’re a fellow enthusiast or just starting out, there’s always something new to Byte!

What you will find here

Data Science Essentials

Hands-on guides, project walkthroughs, and tips on using data science to find insights and make data-driven decisions.

Exploring Tech Together

Posts on emerging tech, problem-solving with code, and applying data to real-world use cases, with a focus on making it all practical and accessible

Experiments & Learning Together

Hands-on explorations in data science, IoT, networking, and other interesting technical concepts.